Why do we sometimes rapidly inhale then deeply exhale?


At times we do that automatic thing where we rapidly gasp[?] around 3-4 times in a row then deeply exhale. It happens most commonly while crying but it also happens randomly. Either way, why?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Know how your GPS needs to recalibrate once in a while?

Same thing, but with your lungs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, when it happens while you’ve been crying, your mind was sorta focusing on other things. So your lungs are just trying to figure stuff out on their own.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Assuming you’re talking about hyperventilating, it looks like someone had a similar question several years ago. I, personally, don’t have a definitive answer for you because I’m not in the medical field and don’t trust myself to give an educated guess.