Why do we stop getting pimples/acne as adults?


Why do we stop getting pimples/acne as adults?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, you don’t stop getting them entirely unless you’re very lucky. The reason you get more of them as a teenager, though, is because your body is flooded with sex hormones after puberty and that makes your skin pores larger and secrete more skin oil, so they’re more prone to getting blocked and infected, which is the source of pimples.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Speak for you. Im 21 and still have them.
But adults still can get acne because of a bacteria called propionibacterium.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s usually a hormonal thing – a lot of people’s hormones even out eventually, at least for a time. Lots of people’s dont, though, and definitely suffer with acne well into adulthood. That’s why it’s important to wash your face, wash your pillow cases, and wash your towels. Won’t fix it, but it can help.