Why do we use 3 AAA instead of 1 or 2 AA batteries? Is there a huge output difference?


Why do we use 3 AAA instead of 1 or 2 AA batteries? Is there a huge output difference?

In: 15

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The amount of batteries you use sets the voltage – each AA or AAA cell produces 1.5v, and this voltage adds up, so if your device runs on 4.5v, you can chain together three 1.5v cells to make 4.5v.

The size of the batteries sets the battery life – an AA and AAA battery are essentially the exact same thing, only an AA is a little larger – this allows it to contain more chemistry, so it produces a bit more power.

So the quick rule is that a designer will choose the amount of batteries based on the voltage needed, and the size is a balance between battery life and physical size.

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