Why do we wake up when we hear our names?



I just fell asleep in class with the camera off and when the professor called my name to make sure my group was ready to present I immediately woke up to say that I was in the lecture and almost had a heart attack because missing this specific lecture is an automatic fail. I wanted to ask anyone as to why we wake up if someone calls our name even when we’ve been asleep for 10+ minutes, but don’t wake up when hearing other people’s names or the lecture content.

In: Biology

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because for effectively your entire life you are trained by every other human around you that “xxxxx” set of syllables is the one to listen for. Evolution left us the ability to sleep, but we are still alert. Your brain doesn’t turn your ears “off” like it does with your eyes or legs (for most) in order to still listen for predators or children.

Even though we apes came far and progressed society that we are able to fall asleep in lecture our ape brains are still trained to listen for our “sound”, threats, and children.

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