Why do window AC units use so much energy?


I live alone in a small apartment. My electric bill is usually a lot $20/month. After I got AC installed it doubled and even tripled in some summer months. I’m trying to preserve it by turning it off when I’m not home.

Why is a small window unit so big on energy use?


5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the points other have made, it might be more efficient to leave the A/C on, instead of turning it off when you’re not home. While it might be set to “cool,” it should only kick on whenever it starts getting over your target temperature, so it’s not running constantly. If you turn it off when you’re not gonna be home for like 9 hours, it’ll have to work harder when you turn it back on to get it back to that target temperature. It might use less energy if it you leave it on, and it runs periodically, each time trying to overcome a smaller temperature differential than that 9 hour temperature differential.

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