Pregnancy and childbirth are very demanding on the body.
Your centre of gravity shifts as your pregnancy develops, and you end up with a wider stance. All your joints become looser as you produce hormones like relaxin. Yes, it’s actually called that.
This allows the various hip/pelvic bones to flex/pull apart a little more during delivery, so the baby can pass through and be born.
Actually, we produce a lower amount of these hormones with every cycle as well. Women are more flexible and more likely to dislocate joints around their period.
Testosterone causes the tendons to thicken over prolonged exposure, this reduces mobility and flexibility its why male athletes have a shelf life when it comes to sports that require high motility.
TL;DR: Hormones, the male specfic androgen in this case makes tendons thicker and less stretchy, this being the opposite for the female specific androgen as it makes it easier for the female body to accommodate child birth.
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