Why do you have back and neck aches for days if you “sleep wrong” one night?


Why do you have back and neck aches for days if you “sleep wrong” one night?

In: Biology

24 Answers

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Nerves are hardly ever pinched or compressed, especially those of the autonomic nervous system as they are outside of the spine. Those nerves of the central nervous system exiting the spine are almost impossible to pinch in a healthy person. Someone with an irritated nerve experiences weakness or tingling, not inflammation.

The joints of the spine have several structures that can become irritated by “sleep wrong” which may cause prolonged compression and/or torsion on the joint. Typically, the cartilage of the joint can become inflamed from prolonged compression, the joint capsule can become entrapped (pinched) and the structures around the joint can be strained/sprained. These structures can even refer pain to other parts of the body mimicking a pinched nerve.

To protect these irritated structures the body adopts pain-relieving postures and reactive muscle splinting. Both will resolve over time depending upon how much irritation was caused and underlying conditions (arthritis, muscle fatigue, etc).

Over the counter anti-inflammatories, stretching and joint mobilization can all be helpful. The role of ice or heat is debatable but can be tried for whatever relief they provide.

Muscle relaxants are often not helpful as the muscles are not in true spasm but trying to protect the joint.

If the condition worsens or fails to resolve after a week seek professional help.

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