Why do you need to press so many buttons to start a plane? Can’t there be just one button to start everything in sequence automatically?


Why do you need to press so many buttons to start a plane? Can’t there be just one button to start everything in sequence automatically?

In: Technology

16 Answers

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Some good and really bad answers here. I’m an expert in process control, and to black and white answer your question, there is no technological reason why this is not possible today

There technology is currently in use across many processes and industries across the world, and relatively simple to program and still keep the pilot at the front of control.

On start up, the pilot would need to be retrained to observe a start up report in case of any anomalies and likely they would still 4 eye check that all systems are functional as intended.

Whether this should happen would be a purely human factors discussion. It could be argued that a less manual start up sequence may cause disengagement of pilots, but the counter argument would be that a program can do the task quicker and with magnitude lower errors. An interesting discussion anyway but from you question, yes it’s possible.

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