Why do you remeber things you dont want to?


Why do you remeber things you dont want to?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because every time you dwell on them, you reinforce the neurological pathway associated with that memory.

I make a point of dwelling on my successes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.” Chuck Palahniuk

Anyway, a lot about the brain is still not fully understood. The areas in the brain involved in memory formation, can coincide with the areas involved in emotional response. As it appears, memory formation and recollection can be enhanced when an emotional response is involved, basically making stronger connections between what could have been a passive event.

Its not too easy remembering what you ate for breakfast yesterday, but if you felt an earthquake during that breakfast, you’d have a better recollection of things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

why would you not remember? brain doesn’t work like that. your brain stores memorries among other things. It stores everything. The more you “use” a memorry the more you remember it. Some memorries are more important to you than others. Importance is based on the impact an event had on you. good or bad.

I think your question should be “Why do you suddenly remember some things, even if you don’t want to”