why do you steer into the skid?


So there was this video of a woman managing to avoid a crash by steering in a special way. I’m learning to drive rn and people keep saying if you skid you steer into it, but isn’t that the opposite of what it feels like you would do?

In: Physics

21 Answers

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When I was learning how to drive my parents took me to open parking lots in the snow to teach me this concept. I found that after once or twice of countersteering properly it became almost instinctive.

The easiest way i can say is when the rear end kicks out to the right, to correct it you turn the wheel left thus making the front wheels pointed in the correct direction (straight down the road), if you start to feel it swing quickly back to the correct position be read for a 2nd round because it may kick out to the other side a bit.

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