Why does 12 hours of sleep make you feel so crappy?


I just don’t understand, some days, usually on weekends, I’ll try and wake up after a normal amount of sleep (like 7.5-8 hours) but I feel too exhausted to wake up.

Then I’ll end up sleeping like 12 hours and I feel like crap all day. Why is this?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sounds like you are not dealing with a problem in the amount of sleep you get, but rather the quality of your sleep.

Try a couple of things:
– force yourself to wakeup when your alarm goes off, despite feeling exhausted.
– drink a full glass of water when woken up.
– no screens 1 hour before you go to sleep. The blue light will mess with your melatonin levels en your sleep quality. Try reading a book instead.
– no caffeine in the evening, but ideally no caffeine after lunch. Caffeine has a half life of about 8 hours which means any caffeinated drinks in the afternoon will impact your sleep quality.

If would like to get more info on sleep, I’d suggest reading up on some research by Matthew Walker, or his book ‘why we sleep’. It definitely helped me better my sleep behaviour 🙂

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