Why does 12 hours of sleep make you feel so crappy?


I just don’t understand, some days, usually on weekends, I’ll try and wake up after a normal amount of sleep (like 7.5-8 hours) but I feel too exhausted to wake up.

Then I’ll end up sleeping like 12 hours and I feel like crap all day. Why is this?

In: Biology

11 Answers

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It seems like you might be having a bigger issues than just oversleeping on weekends. Generally to feel your best you should be going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (including weekends) and getting 8 hours of sleep. If you aren’t doing this that could be the reason you feel the need to oversleep in the first place. It could also be that you naturally feel groggy in the morning and actually just need to get up and start the day on 8 hours sleep even if you feel tired. If this is a persistent issue talk to your doctor, sleep is more important than many of us realize.

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