Why does 15 degrees (59 farenheit) feel so much colder in the night, than it does during the day?


Why does 15 degrees (59 farenheit) feel so much colder in the night, than it does during the day?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The temperature you feel, is due to heat transfer to and from your internal “thermostat”. Temperature is just one element of that heat transfer. At night, you don’t get the heat transfer from the “radiation” of the sun. Even though you get roughly the same “conduction” and “convection”(the 3 modes of heat transfer are radiation, conduction, and convection), you don’t feel the heat coming from sun on your body.

It’s basically the same reason that 70 degrees in water can make you go hypothermic, but 70 degrees on a still day in the sunlight is entirely pleasant, or the reason in the morning carpets feel fine to your bare feet but tile is too cold.

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