Why does a bullet instantly kill someone when through the brain? Why isn’t only part of their functioning impaired?


I know there are plenty of cases in which someone has survived a shot through the brain, or in which only part of their functioning is impaired, but for the most part, why does a bullet randomly aimed at someone’s head kill them nearly instantaneously? Rather than just losing eyesight or the ability to move an arm or leg. Thanks!

In: Biology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bullet often splits into fragments + the fragments of skull. They damage multiple parts of the brain. Yes there have been cases when people have survived headshots but those are very rare and lucky ones in which there were little to no fragments and the bullet/fragments miss the blood vessels of the brain and only damage non critical areas.

Tv and movies always show an instant death but in reality there’s body twitching, similar to beheadings. Your spinal cord can directly control motor functions. Respiration will continue if there is no damage to the part controlling it, the person will eventually die from blood loss and the respiratory center being compromised by the blood loss. The heart keeps beating, as long as there’s enough oxygen and blood, it keeps beating, the heart has a system of nerves independent of the brain.

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