Why does a bullet instantly kill someone when through the brain? Why isn’t only part of their functioning impaired?


I know there are plenty of cases in which someone has survived a shot through the brain, or in which only part of their functioning is impaired, but for the most part, why does a bullet randomly aimed at someone’s head kill them nearly instantaneously? Rather than just losing eyesight or the ability to move an arm or leg. Thanks!

In: Biology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Beyond what the others already said about brain damage as such, also consider the blood loss. If there is catastrophic drop of blood pressure (which can be caused by damage anywhere in the victims body), then the whole sensitive tissue of brain remains without sufficient oxygen supply. If this lasts for longer than [about 6 minutes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiopulmonary_resuscitation), then the brain is killed dead without direct mechanical damage.

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