Why does a face droop during a stroke? Is a stroke the only thing that causes this ‘phenomenon’?


Why does a face droop during a stroke? Is a stroke the only thing that causes this ‘phenomenon’?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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During a stroke parts of your brain recieve little to no oxygen causing them to stop working properly/at all and can lead to cell death if starved of oxygen for long enough. This being said the reason why one half of the face droops, your speech is slurred you have difficulty understanding/reading/recognizing stuff… all those symptoms depend on what area/s of your brain are affected. The reason only one half of the face becomes paralyzed is due to the fact that our faces are split into two halfs when youre looking at only the nervous system, one right and one left bundle of nerves supporting their side. If the area of the brain which controls one of these nerve groups is affected these nerves will no longer recieve the correct or any signals from the brain meaning you have no control over it meaning it is paralyzed.

This can be either temporary (if treatment can be administered in time) or permanently depending on the damage and cell death due to the lack of oxygen

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