Why does a hot bath make your skin feel dry?


I’ve noticed whenever I have a hot bath, my skin feels super dry afterwards. I would have thought being submerged in water would have a hydrating effect?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oil is what actually makes your skin feel “hydrated,” and showers (especially soap) removes oil from your skin. Combine that with the fact that tap water is generally hypotonic (lower salt content than blood/the human body) so it acts more as a solvent pulling minerals out rather than performing any type rejuvenation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hot water is washing away your natural skin oils the hotter the water the worse it is for your skin. That’s why you should always use moisturiser afterwards I have psoriasis and have seen many dermatologists and they all say one thing in common and that is “ you can never use to much moisturiser the more the better”

Anonymous 0 Comments

part of it depends on the chemical composition of your water and your outdoor weather conditions maybe? i felt dirtier and stickier after every shower in oklahoma but arizona? yeah, like you are saying my skins dry until i put on lotion. lotion really helps.