Why does a negative and a negative make a positive?


Example: 2 – (-3) = 5

I learned HOW to solve this type of equation in school…but not the WHY.

In: Mathematics

5 Answers

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Think of subtracting like turning around (to face the opposite direction) and a negative number as walking backwards. If I tell you to walk forward 2 steps, turn around (subtract) then walk *backwards* 3 steps (negative 3), you are now 5 steps *ahead* of where you started.

If I told you to take 2 steps, turn around, then walk forwards 3 steps ,you end up 1 step *behind* where you started (2 – 3 = -1).

If, instead, I told you to take 2 steps, then walk forward 3 steps, you end up 5 steps *ahead* of where you started.

Most simply, when you “subtract a negative”, the end result is the exact same as if you added a positive.

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