why does adding more traffic lanes doesn’t help to alleviate traffic congestion?


why does adding more traffic lanes doesn’t help to alleviate traffic congestion?

In: 26

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A. If you build it. They will come. And usually road Improvements are way behind the population. As soon as a new bridge, new highway is opened, hundreds living in expensive areas realize those cheaper areas are not so bad nor is the commute at the moment.

B. There are often congestion points that are unavoidable due to curves, multiple convergence on ramps, poorly designed or legacy roads that can’t be fixed.

C. Improvements here just push the problem down the road

D. After they spend a billion to add a lane, it turns out to be a carpool lane. Which no matter how low the bar it is to qualify, here in Washington state you only need two in a car, they are sparsely used.

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