Why does air feel colder when it’s moving fast?


Why does air feel colder when it’s moving fast?

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7 Answers

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Because it’s basically becomes a wind. And wind – is more air touching and taking away your heat during same time interval. Hot air on the other hand would feel hotter for this same reason – you’ll experience more air and heat exchange during same time interval.

Slightly more complex than ELI5 addition: if you’d move faster and faster, air would feel hotter and hotter. Because temperature, to put it simply, is average speed of air molecules. Cold air means that most molecules moves relatively slow, hot air – fast. But there’s no difference if it’s air molecules or you moving fast – in both cases it’d feel hot. But for most speeds which you could achieve on the ground, you won’t feel any additional heat, because air molecules at normal temperature are moving very, very fast – about 500m/s on average (meaning that some molecules do move at maybe 10m/s, and some – at few km/s). Relative to this, even 100km/h is neglectable.

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