Why does alcohol make you drunk?


Why does alcohol make you drunk?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol affects the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination. That’s what makes you walk and talk weird. Sorry, don’t remember the exact name of the part of the brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ethanol in alcohol goes through your bloodstream and stays at your organs (like your brain). Ethanol in your brain causes your brain to release dopamine – the feel good chemical.

>Of these receptors, ethanol particularly binds to glutamate, a neurotransmitter that normally excites neurons. Ethanol doesn’t allow the glutamate to become active and this makes the brain slower to respond to stimuli. Ethanol also binds to gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Unlike its stinginess with glutamate, ethanol activates GABA receptors. These receptors make a person feel calm and sleepy so the brain’s function slows even further [source: Inglis-Arkell]. Of course, the severity of one’s drunkenness is dependent on other factors, too. Gender, age, weight — even what you had for dinner — can all play a role in how much alcohol it takes to become intoxicated [source: Beck].


Basically, ethanol binds to certain neurotransmitters (kinda like how your skin is made up of various points where your body can sense something pushing or pulling on it), and slows your brain function and make you sleepy – which is the drunk part.

Anonymous 0 Comments

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