Why does anxiousness make us feel nauseated?


Like, for example, if you eat something spoiled or otherwise gross you might feel nauseous because your body wants it out of your system. Same thing goes for if you eat way too much. I don’t see a reason why vomiting would help in the event of nausea, nor do I see how nervousness or anxiety would be able to manifest as the physical symptom of nausea.

In: Biology

4 Answers

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There’s a few things going on but one of the most impacting is that stress, adrenaline, and the fight or flight response produce changes in blood flow inside of the body. One of these changes is a reduced amount of blood flow to the digestive system and some internal organs. More blood flows to the extremities and lungs to help you run away from the thing that is scaring you, which means less blood for digesting that last meal.

Digesting your food is a lot more complicated, an requires a lot more of your bodies attention than you probably realize. For instance did you know that you have more neurons inside your digestive system than a cat has in it’s brain? Did you know your digestive system had neurons that allow it to operate somewhat independently from the brain? Did you know that the overwhelming majority of serotonin ( a potent neurotransmitter) are created in the gut not in the brain?

Not only does it require a considerable amount of neurological power to synchronize all of the movements of the bowels and keep things working, but it also requires tons of blood and oxygen. All that food has to be absorbed by something, and it’s blood. The energy required to digest that food requires nutrients and oxygen supplied by the blood. This is one of the reasons you may feel lethargic after a large meal, or your heart may beat faster after a heavy meal.

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