Why does audio and video take so much storage?


So for example, videogames are super heavy on disk space. And aparently most of that space is just the sounds, textures, models, etc. But the code takes very little space.

Why can something as complex as a physics system weight less than a bunch of images?

Code takes very little space, media takes more. But an image is just code that tells the computer how to draw something (I think)

So how come some code gets to be so small in size and some code doesn’t?

In: 53

18 Answers

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Shakespeare’s complete works amount to about 900k words, an approximately 8MB text file (if I recall correctly). The first Harry Potter book is around 100k words, for comparison. A letter takes 1 to 4 bytes to encode.

An uncompressed 8192×8192 (“8K”) texture has 67108864 pixels. Each of them are encoded with one byte each for Red, Green, Blue and transparency, for 4 bytes per pixel, a total of 268435456 bytes – 256MB.

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