why does caffeine make many people with adhd tired or have no effect?

1.62K viewsBiologyOther

here is a post from the adhd $ub containing a couple thousand annecdotes showing that it either makes us tired, or has no effect for most people with adhd:

(link in comments else aut0m0d flags this as being about r3dd!t drama)

one of the top comments was a guy saying he drank it to sleep at night,

and i personally wanted to test this on myself, i dont consume much caffeine regularly, i usualy have one cup of coke containing 30mg per day, but today i drank two cups of coffee (the first two of my life it, was fucking disqusting) and 3 energy drinks. i got 8.5 hours of sleep last night, and its 6pm, i feel incredibly tired, and have done all day, the most awake i felt today was in the morning just before my first cup. my heart rate is 58bpm as writing this, which is the same as usual, maybe a tiny bit more. despite me consuming about 350mg, and about half of that was chugged about 45 minutes ago, this is the most tired i’ve felt today.

i’m interested in the science behind why this happens to adhd people?

In: Biology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Remember in school when the teacher stepped out and every child in the classroom began to talk all at once? You couldn’t hear every kid, but just because you couldn’t hear them didn’t mean they weren’t talking, it just meant you couldn’t hear them over everything else. But, as it always happened, all the kids talking made a lot of noise which brought the teacher back, who then took control and settled the class down. And, there was always that last kid who was the last to stop talking, who, even if he was on the other side of the room, you (and everyone else) could hear because now the room was quiet.

ADHD is like a classroom where the teacher has stepped out. Very simply speaking, ADHD is where the prefrontal cortex of the brain does not work the way it is supposed to work . Your prefrontal cortex is the control center. It monitors and controls all the other, conscious, functions of the brain. It keeps the brain in line and functioning properly. When it stops doing it’s job, all the other aspects of the brain just do their thing and the whole thing gets real crowded and noisy real fast. This makes it hard to tell what is going on. *Didn’t I have an appointment at 1:00 or was it 2:00,* ***LOOK!!!*** *That’s shiny must have shiny!”*

Stimulants, very simply speaking, wake the prefrontal cortex up, so it can do its job. Once it has settled the brain down, it is much easier to take stock and assess the situation. Usually, this includes a good dose of being tired due to all the unrestrained mental activity. So, stimulants don’t *make* a person tired, they allow a person with ADHD to realize they are tired and have been for sometime.

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