Why does caffeine tend to not affect people with ADHD, like it does with neurotypical people? For example why some ADHD people can drink 3 cups of coffee, then go straight to sleep.


Why does caffeine tend to not affect people with ADHD, like it does with neurotypical people? For example why some ADHD people can drink 3 cups of coffee, then go straight to sleep.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the exact science isn’t exactly well documented. From everything I/my family has found in the past, it’s similar to how most of the regular ADHD medications work. They ARE all mostly stimulants after all. Anyway what I’ve seen is that while it does serve as a general stimulant, caffeine also helps to stimulate the part of the brain in control of things like impulse control and attention enough to overpower any more detrimental effects it may have.

Now as far as whether that “works” or is gonna vary on a case-by-case basis. If you’re truly someone wanting a solution, I’d suggest speaking with a medical professional about options. If you want drinking coffee in the morning works, then great. It seemed to have for me. It might not work for someone else.

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