Why does cold water taste so much better than warm water?


Why does cold water taste so much better than warm water?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Isn’t this a bit subjective? As in some people may prefer cold beverages and some prefer hot. Perhaps you meant why consuming cold water in a hot weather feels better. This is because the cold drink helps lower your core temperature when it’s hot outside.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Taste buds are more sensitive at higher temperatures. You are more likely to taste contaminants when the water is warm. And water is supposed to be tasteless, otherwise it does not feel like water.

Also, warm water is more likely to dissolve contaminants. It’s also psychological, if you only drink warm water, you will not dislike it or not do as much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when your are thirsty you are dehydrated and dehydration means you are hot. Cold water remedies this much better than warm water. Therefore it’s tastes/feels better.

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