Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?


Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?

In: 1542

20 Answers

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Imagine you have two taco trucks in your neighborhood. One is one mile away and the other is across the street. Lets say the first one takes 500 calories to walk to and from, while the other takes 10. Both trucks serve 200 calorie tacos. While both trucks offer the same amount of food, you have to burn more calories to eat at the first truck. Likewise, when you drink salt water, for every gallon of water you consume your body might need to use one and a half gallons to process that water. However, when you drink a gallon of pure water your body might only need to burn a cup of water to process it (which is why you also can’t hydrate by eating snow, your body needs more water to melt the snow than it actually gets from the snow itself).

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