Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?


Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?

In: 1542

20 Answers

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There was a study a while back that talked about how much water should be consumed daily for optimal health. The study specified that the water can come from any source. It even cited the water in a baked potato counting towards the daily total.

A bottled water company got hold of that study and just left out the bits that didn’t agree with their marketing strategy. So they talked about X glasses of water (and only water), naturally their water was the best for it.

That bit of marketing BS caught in the public psyche and now people think you have drink only water for hydration. Even though that is as big an old wives’ tale as not swimming for half an hour after you eat.

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