Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?


Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?

In: 1542

20 Answers

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All water will hydrate you, but other things mixed in with the water may counteract that hydration.

For example, sea water is so salty that it will start to mess up your kidneys and thus pose a bigger threat over time. Coffee and alcohol are diuretic, basically meaning they make you pee more which will end up flushing some of that water right back out of your system. Things like soda and juices can have tons of sugar in them, meaning they’re not exactly healthy in excess and can lead to obesity or diabetes if consumed far too often.

Overall, pure water doesn’t really have negative side effects to consider, especially if hydration is the only thing you’re worried about.

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