Why does Congo have a near monopoly in Cobalt extraction? Is all the Cobalt in the world really only in Congo? Or is it something else? Congo produces 80% of the global cobalt supply. Why only Congo? Is the entirety of cobalt located ONLY in Congo?


Why does Congo have a near monopoly in Cobalt extraction? Is all the Cobalt in the world really only in Congo? Or is it something else? Congo produces 80% of the global cobalt supply. Why only Congo? Is the entirety of cobalt located ONLY in Congo?

In: Earth Science

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am part of a team developing a cobalt mine in Idaho. Just happens that the economics work now where in the past they haven’t. In the congo labor and enviro regs add way less cost so the economics were more favorable for a long time, not much else to it

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