Why does drinking coffee make me need to use the loo (go #2) so badly?


Why does drinking coffee make me need to use the loo (go #2) so badly?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coffee is a diuretic meaning it breaks down easy and goes through your body. Like any diuretic (most sodas) it actually makes you more dehydrated

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coffee activates your colon and the muscles in your intestines which allow them to contract a lot more easily. The stuff inside your digestive tract gets pushed through faster to your rectum, and from there, out your anus which makes you need to poop. Also, if you are adding stuff like dairy to your coffee in the form of creamer or like half and half etc, you COULD be lactose intolerant which on top of the coffee contractions make the feeling even worse

Anonymous 0 Comments

Caffeine is a stimulant. The intestines have a surprising amount of both muscle & nerves… both of which are affected by – you guessed it! – caffeine.

My GI doc told me there are people who are dependent upon coffee / caffeine to be able to poo.