Why does electricity appear blue but sparks from electricity are yellow-ish Orange


Driving down the road yesterday they were repairing some electrical lines and I guess one of them sparked and it left a trail of blue sparks on the ground. But when I hook up a battery and short it with a wire sparks appear an orangish-yellow color.

Anyone know why?

In: Engineering

15 Answers

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Sparks are, generally, not actually the electricity itself. Instead, they are small slivers of super-heated metal. The color is dependant on heat.

Now, sometimes it is electricity jumping from the source to a grounded object. In these cases, it will primarily be a flash of white light, but may tint blue depending on atmospheric conditions.

Edit: To clarify, the white and blue is the air super-heating, not electricity itself. You *might* see it go into the reds, but it is less likely.

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