Why does ending a task from task manager work better than canceling a program?


When a computer starts to freeze or operate slowly and doesn’t respond, ending the task(s) from the task manager usually ends the program and the problem. Why does this work better than simply canceling the task with ALT+F4/pressing the cancel button in the window?

In: Technology

26 Answers

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End task, alt+f4, and clicking the corner x all do the same thing. They politely ask the program to stop. The program will normally finish what it’s doing, maybe pop up a message asking if you want to save, and then close itself. This is usually the best way to close a program. It gives the program a chance to finish what it’s doing so everything works properly. But, if the program is already malfunctioning, like if it’s frozen, asking the program politely to close might not work, as it’s already too messed up to respond to requests.

End process is different. It just kills the program instantly. It doesn’t let the program finish what it is doing, it doesn’t let the program control how the program shuts down. It just stops everything instantly.

If your computer was a bar, most ways of closing a program would be like asking “We are closing soon, please finish your drink and leave.” Ending the process is like a bouncer physically picking up a patron and tossing him out the door: it works even if the patron is passed out drunk.

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