Why does English alphabets have both capital and small letters?


Why does English alphabets have both capital and small letters?

In: Other

5 Answers

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Capital and lower-case letters add additional information that makes things clearer for the reader when they might otherwise be ambiguous.

This is why we have punctuation, for example. Periods, commas, parentheses, apostrophes, and quotation marks all make sentences more readable, they reduce ambiguity. In the same way, making some letters capital and some letters lower-case also makes sentences more readable.

We all know the funny example:

>Let’s eat grandma

>Let’s eat, grandma

Punctuation makes these two sentences totally different. In the same way, capitalization can make sentences different.

>the major corporation reading incorporated filed a lawsuit against the ftc and secretary welds

>The major corporation Reading Incorporated filed a lawsuit against the FTC and Secretary Welds

Capitalization here makes the sentence much clearer and easier to read. You now immediately understand that “Reading” and “Incorporated” are part of a proper name, they’re not verbs here, same with “Welds”. The acronym FTC is also more obviously an acronym.

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