Why does Ethiopia produce the best long-distance runners with the best stamina?


Why does Ethiopia produce the best long-distance runners with the best stamina?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The high altitude plus the genetics of living at such a high altitude for generations gives some athletes exceptional cardiovascular baselines for training and performance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When people ask this you tend to get a lot of biological answers and there is some truth to the altitude training stuff, but really why is any region good at a sport? Why is canada so good at hockey compared to everyone else? It’s not really because of any biological truth about canadians and more just it’s a region that really got into a particular sport and has good conditions to do it a lot so it became a national past time and they beat out countries that care less about that particular sport.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best long distance runners come from 2 tribes in Kenya. It is not a Kenya thing. It is just those two tribes that live at a high elevation and run everywhere. So they are very good at using oxygen because they live at an elevation with little oxygen.