why does exercise hurt?


why does exercise hurt?

In: Biology

4 Answers

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Muscles require oxygen to function their peak level. Oxygen is delivered to the muscles by hemoglobin in the blood. Blood delivery is a function of cardiac function.

When you exercise, your cardiac rate increases which increases blood flow which increases oxygen delivery. *BUT…* at some point your blood flow often (especially when one is not in peak athletic shape) cannot keep up with the oxygen demands of muscle tissue. When that occurs, and when you are still working your muscles, your muscles’ cells switch from aerobic respiration (using oxygen) to function, to anaerobic respiration (no oxygen). Anaerobic respiration has a byproduct known as lactic acid which can build up in muscle tissue and blood stream and causes physical pain. The body takes this as sign (by inducing pain) to slow down and let oxygen/blood flow catch up and switch back to aerobic respiration.

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