Why does food poisoning happens if heat is supposed to kill bacteria/parasites?


Why does food poisoning happens if heat is supposed to kill bacteria/parasites?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1) Not all bacteria die in cooking (also depends on cooking type e.g. If it’s pressure cooked or not) and they survive as a spore such as clostridium perfringens and bacillis cereus.

2) some bacteria produce heat stable toxins that cause food poisoning regardless if the bacteria themselves are dead after. Such as staph aureus.

3) some bacteria survive due to insufficient cooking such as salmonella and Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

4) some contaminations happen after cooking. Such as when you cut the raw meat with a knife then use it to cut the cooked meat without proper washing or when kebab shops keep the shaved off meat in a dish for hours and hours out in the open getting splashed by contaminants.

That’s all I can think of now, but I’m sure there are other mechanisms (also I only talked about bacteria here)

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