Why does haul mining trucks have a triangle-shaped back unlike standard dump truck with a rectangular-shaped back?


Why does haul mining trucks have a triangle-shaped back unlike standard dump truck with a rectangular-shaped back?

In: 8

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

For large mining trucks, tray shape is mostly about ending up with as low a centre of gravity as possible when loaded and distributed effectively and evenly to the tyres. Particularly as the truck is almost usually loaded when trying to drive uphill out of an open pit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The rectangular box is the weakest. The floor and walls are susceptible to dents. Braces are required to add strength. But, they have the advantage of maximum size load.

For offroad trucks, there is no maximum width, a road truck can’t be wider than 102 inches. So they can build a huge triangle box which is very strong and still holds a lot of material.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bigger wheels go higher up the sides, so the tipper body has to make room for them.
Regular road going ones use a standard chassis frame, regular size wheels, and just stick a rectangular body on them.