Why does higher literacy rates correspond to lower birth rates?


I understand that the more educated people are more aware of the responsibilities and risks of having children and they use protection more etc. but why is it ALWAYS that more literate and rich populations have lower birth rates? At one point, shouldn’t the literate and able people have children to contribute to the future of their countries?

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19 Answers

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This is a [highly studied](https://wol.iza.org/uploads/articles/228/pdfs/female-education-and-its-impact-on-fertility.pdf) issue, and there is a lot of literature on it. As with many social science questions, there are [multiple factors](https://blogs.worldbank.org/health/female-education-and-childbearing-closer-look-data) in play. However, the main ones seem to be that as girls and women gain more social and economic opportunities through education, they tend to seek to have fewer children. But there are also other factors, such as better information about reproductive health and birth control, and better negotiation strength with their husbands.

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