Why does hunger come and go in “waves”, even if you don’t eat anything?


For example if you’re intermittent fasting or water fasting, and the hunger comes and goes in waves as opposed to just getting hungrier and hungrier by each passing hour. How come? I do intermittent fasting and my periods of hunger are brief. You’d think the longer I go without eating, the worse my hunger would get but instead, I just get these brief periods of hunger and they eventually disappear, as if I had already eaten.


15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hunger you feel then isn’t actual hunger. We have a lot of bacteria in our digestive system that is use to regular intake at the same times each day, and are sending message about the lack thereof.
It is our innate messaging system, it’s like needing a cigarette when you smoke, even though it’s bad for you.
It’s all hormones, chemicals and bacteria.
If you follow a intermittent fasting diet, this internal clock will change and ring the bell at the new times you set for intake of food.
Same if you want to stop smoking, start ignoring the craving you get, and after a while it will fizz out.
Actual hunger feels different, pain in you mouth is one of the symptoms.
Our bodies work better on empty stomachs, it takes a lot of energy to digest food, and as most people food habits are several times a day, you never get to feel the full force of your own energy.
Just think about all the energy packed in fat storage.

For this interested in fasting/intermittent fasting, google autophagy 🙂

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