Why does it feel like time goes faster or slower depending on what we are doing?


Why does it feel like time goes faster or slower depending on what we are doing?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think that’s to do with how much you’re paying attention to the passage of time – when playing some fun game, your attention isn’t on the clock, so it may be quite some time until you take a step back and notice how long it’s been. When doing something boring, like watching paint dry, you’re going to frequently be wondering how long until you can gi do something else. You’re going to note that it’s 8:37, 8:38, 8:41, 8:50, etc

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s called subjectivity. If you are sitting in class stating at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring, five minutes can seem like forever to your subjective awareness. However, two hours can seem to fly by when playing your favorite video game as you were not consciously aware of the passage of time.