Why does it hurt so much when you drink orange juice after brushing teeth?


Btw i’m 14 so pls make it as simple as possible 🙂

In: Biology

4 Answers

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It has to do with a difference in pH. (How acidic or alkaline something is). Imagine if you had your left hand in a hot bowl of water and your right hand in cold. Then when you put both in a room temperature water it will feel drastically different.

After brushing your teeth your mouth is adjusted to the non-acidic toothpaste, and OJ is quite acidic so it is shocking to your taste buds.

The chemical in toothpaste that does this is called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and is what makes it foamy. It’s also in a ton of other foamy products like shaving cream, but those will probably be even worse for your tastebuds!

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