Why does it seem cis men on TRT need a higher dose than trans men on HRT?


Whenever I see trans men talk about their dose and levels, the average dose seems to be 60-100mg ~~of~~ weekly to get to 500-1000ng/dL. But when I see cis men (with low testosterone) talking about it, their average dose seems to be 100-200mg weekly to get to 500-1000ng/dL. What’s the difference?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For trans guys, the end goal is to basically go through a testosterone-mediated puberty and then maintain those effects for the rest of your life. Getting into the 500-1000 ng/dL range is part of that, but ultimately the numbers aren’t as important of an indicator as whether the testosterone is having the desired effects. Once you’re taking enough to suppress your estrogen levels, taking *more* just for the sake of getting into the high end of the male range isn’t necessarily going to do any good.

I *suspect* that cis men who are on testosterone are more likely to want the highest levels they can safely achieve for the sake of building muscle, etc. But I’m not a cis man so I don’t know.

Edit: also, ovaries produce testosterone – not very much, but it’s an amount that your body is producing on its own. A cis guy who’s had testicular cancer or some other health issue may not be producing any endogenous testosterone at all, and so that may be why they need more.

I’m really curious as to what the actual reason for this is, but I’d be surprised if there was any actual data on this.

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