Why does it seem like similar events happen back to back in the news?


For instance, I read today about yet another chemical train wreck, it seems like shooting stories come in waves as well. Another example are celebrity deaths. Is this an actual phenomenon, or is it just heightened awareness?

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The news is all just on big controlled narrative. So, when you see similar events, it’s because they want you to. They will constantly repeat themselves until they get the reaction out of people that they want. If they want people scared but they aren’t yet, they may copy and paste a couple more times until the majority of news watchers are nice and terrified. They will then do whatever the news tells them to do next. It’s one big brainwashing game.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Part of it is the Baader-Meinhof phenomena, the idea that once you notice something you seem to keep seeing it again, or get the impression that it’s a very common thing when it actually isn’t.

The other part is just the way media works. The reality is that train accidents and mass shootings happen constantly, literally almost every day or multiple times per day. But the media might not report on them, so you don’t notice them, and then suddenly they do report on them and suddenly you’re thinking, hey, this is a new problem!

Train wrecks for example, we average over 3 train derailments every day in the US, they just didn’t make the news. For various reasons they are suddenly newsworthy and you’re thinking we suddenly have a problem. Truth is, we’ve had a problem for a long long time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The news is all just on big controlled narrative. So, when you see similar events, it’s because they want you to. They will constantly repeat themselves until they get the reaction out of people that they want. If they want people scared but they aren’t yet, they may copy and paste a couple more times until the majority of news watchers are nice and terrified. They will then do whatever the news tells them to do next. It’s one big brainwashing game.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The news is all just on big controlled narrative. So, when you see similar events, it’s because they want you to. They will constantly repeat themselves until they get the reaction out of people that they want. If they want people scared but they aren’t yet, they may copy and paste a couple more times until the majority of news watchers are nice and terrified. They will then do whatever the news tells them to do next. It’s one big brainwashing game.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If I posted youtube videos of:

– me riding my bike,
– me singing a song
– me juggling,

and the juggling video blew up, what do you think I would post more videos of?

There’s SO much news out there, but also so many news outlets trying to get viewers (aka REVENUE from ADS) so if people are suddenly wild about Pokemon Go? Boom you’ll see tons of articles related to Pokemon Go.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well with school shootings they happen everyday they just get coverage in waves. This wave was started bc it involved a trans kid and the right found that useful

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well with school shootings they happen everyday they just get coverage in waves. This wave was started bc it involved a trans kid and the right found that useful

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well with school shootings they happen everyday they just get coverage in waves. This wave was started bc it involved a trans kid and the right found that useful

Anonymous 0 Comments

People get interested, so the media keep publishing them until we are bored.

There have been 160 mass shootings in the US in 2023, but only a few have been widely reported. We’ll get bored soon and they won’t be reported for a while

Anonymous 0 Comments

People get interested, so the media keep publishing them until we are bored.

There have been 160 mass shootings in the US in 2023, but only a few have been widely reported. We’ll get bored soon and they won’t be reported for a while