why does it sometimes show the temperature outside is 5° but Feels like 1°. Isn’t the actual temperature supposed to be what it’s feeling like? What’s the whole purpose of having that 5° there then


why does it sometimes show the temperature outside is 5° but Feels like 1°. Isn’t the actual temperature supposed to be what it’s feeling like? What’s the whole purpose of having that 5° there then

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How hot or cold something feels is a function of how fast heat transfers between things. For instance, a peice of wood and a peice of metal could both be cold, but the metal will feel colder, because it will absorb the heat from your hand faster than the wood.

Or think of a fan cooling you off. It is blowing the same temperature air at you that the room is, but makes you feel cold because it is blowing away the warmer air directly radiating off your body.

So two rooms could be 20°. Room A is windy and humid, while room B the air is still and dry. The wind and humidity is room A transfers the heat away from your body more quickly than the dry, still air in room B.

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