why does it sometimes show the temperature outside is 5° but Feels like 1°. Isn’t the actual temperature supposed to be what it’s feeling like? What’s the whole purpose of having that 5° there then


why does it sometimes show the temperature outside is 5° but Feels like 1°. Isn’t the actual temperature supposed to be what it’s feeling like? What’s the whole purpose of having that 5° there then

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your sensation of “hot” or “cold” is *not* temperature. Your body doesn’t care about the actual temperature. It cares about how fast heat is leaving or entering your body. For example, metal feels “colder” than wood even if they’ve been in the same room (and therefore around the same temperature). Because metal is more conductive and pulls your heat away from your body faster than wood.

Wind does the same thing. In still air, you have a kind of blanket of warmer air around you because your body heated it up. That blanket makes it harder for more heat to escape. When there’s wind, that blanket can’t form, so heat escapes your body more easily. **5° with x amount of wind feels the same as 1° with no wind.**

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