Why does it take half a year to decode an airplane’s black box?


In light of the recent plane crash in Pakistan, reports suggest that it will take 6-7 months to decode the black box.
The company that made the black box surely knows how to decrypt their encryption, so why would it take so long?
Also, assuming the encyrption is super-complicated, what sensitive data would warrant such encryption? Is it just voice recordings, or something more?

In: Technology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine someone’s car crashed and you want to understand what happened. You have a recording of the crash, but it’s not a video – it’s a recording of the exact speed each wheel was doing, what the brake pressure was, what the position of the accelerator was, the engine temperature, the air con setting, and so on.

You’d eventually be able to understand a lot about the crash, but you’d need an expert to look at all that data and tell you what it meant.

Now imagine that for an aeroplane except there are several hundred times more pieces of data to look at, and the ultimate cause of the crash may be buried deep in one obscure sensor reading. That’s what you’re ‘decoding’ with a black box.

Edit: thank you for the gold and awards! My first ever!

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