Why does it take half a year to decode an airplane’s black box?


In light of the recent plane crash in Pakistan, reports suggest that it will take 6-7 months to decode the black box.
The company that made the black box surely knows how to decrypt their encryption, so why would it take so long?
Also, assuming the encyrption is super-complicated, what sensitive data would warrant such encryption? Is it just voice recordings, or something more?

In: Technology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When people use the word decode in contexts like this, they’re talking about taking raw data, packed for efficient storage, and decoding it into a form that is understandable by humans, and then working out an interpretation of events.

Normally extracting the data is easy, but if the recorder is damaged, it could require specialized skills and tools to retrieve and decode.

Normally the vast majority of the time is just spent piecing together events, and making sure you got it right and every anomaly in the data is explained.

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