Why does it take half a year to decode an airplane’s black box?


In light of the recent plane crash in Pakistan, reports suggest that it will take 6-7 months to decode the black box.
The company that made the black box surely knows how to decrypt their encryption, so why would it take so long?
Also, assuming the encyrption is super-complicated, what sensitive data would warrant such encryption? Is it just voice recordings, or something more?

In: Technology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s probably inaccurate reporting.

Most likely they can read it right away, but it’s the full analysis what takes time. Sure, the black box says what each sensor reported, but what does that actually mean? Eg, did the black box record low fuel because there was too little to start with, or a sensor malfunctioned, or there was a leak, or some unexpected condition caused the airplane to burn fuel faster than normal?

They may need to collect all the wreckage and look at the remaining bits, and interview survivors.

They have to be careful with these things, and make sure not to blame the wrong thing just because that can cause additional harm.

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