Why does it take months for some couples to conceive despite being fertile and having frequent sex?

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So a friend of mine is planning a family and haven’t gotten pregnant yet. Her gynac said they it may happen right away or may take even a year to conceive. Well, i don’t really understand this.

If a fertile man and woman are having frequent sex, what really leads to not getting pregnant?

In: Biology

44 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Apart from all other issues, there are also lethal gene combinations. fA+mB might get pregnant on the firts try, and fC+mD likwise, yet fA+mD might be incompatible and never get pregnant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

At some point in my education, I was told that around 80% of fertilized eggs never reach viability. There are a lot of steps that can go wrong in the process from sex to birth. In some ways, it is a miracle anyone is ever born

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Something like 3/4 of all pregnancies go unnoticed, i.e. they’re naturally aborted. Now consider you only have one chance per month. So an approximate probability of success within two months is `.25 + .75 * .25 = .4375`, within three is `ans + .75² * .25 = .578125` and so on.

That’s assuming pregnancy even occurs. Things can go wrong before.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think about some board game where you have to roll a 6 to get something to happen. Some lucky bugger gets 3 instant 6s in a row, whereas it takes you 12+ rolls to get one.

Conception is close to that. The odds of conceiving per cycle are roughly 20% whereas the odds of rolling a 6 are about 16%.

They tell you the worst case scenario so you don’t get discouraged. But if both partners are under 35, it makes sense to get checked out for fertility problems after a year of not conceiving. If at least one partner is over 35, then you don’t have as much time to waste so you look for fertility checks after 6 months just in case.

Most couples don’t need fertility medicine, just enough “rolls of the dice” to get a successful pregnancy.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Because for a pregnancy to happen, a lot of things need to happen at the same time, and that doesn’t always happen right away:

1) the egg released by the woman’s ovary needs to be viable (if you’re under 30, about 30% of your eggs are viable. If you’re over 35, it’s more like 15%)
2) the man’s sperm needs to be in sufficient quantity and have excellent motility to survive the journey to the fallopian tubes (that’s only around 5% of sperm)
3) when egg and sperm meet, the genetic code that is created needs to be normal, with no extra or missing chromosomes
4) the egg needs to go through all the necessary stages of development in the days that follow and it needs to reach the uterus
5) the lining of the uterus needs to be sufficient thickness and healthy enough for implantation to happen
6) the corpus luteum that forms in the ovary that released the egg needs to be producing sufficient hormones to sustain early pregnancy
7) the embryo that forms needs to be genetically normal and strong and healthy enough to survive its first 3 weeks and develop a beating heart

Voilà. If you’re lucky this might all happen right away on your first try, if you’re not so lucky you might have to wait several cycles for the stars to align.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just the conception is itself so tricky. The right temperature, the hormones. There are so many things that can go wrong that it is literally a miracle that conception, pregnancy, and delivery of healthy baby happens. Frequently sex doesn’t increase conception. Lol. Giving it a rest might help. Everybody loves babies! They are fun to play. Until they grow up and become pain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It can depend when the woman is ovulating, too. Most people are assuming that they should be giving days 12-16 in the menstrual cycle their special attention…but some women actually ovulate during their periods and have almost zero chance to get pregnant without a long course of hormones trying to shift that around.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot has been said already but I missed the adhesions.

Lots of women have adhesions in the pelvic area. Limiting movement of the ovaries, tubes and uterus. If the adhesions are large enough they can also affect the intestines and their movements.

This also can explain the menstrual cramps and pain. The uterus wants to move but can’t, just like a stiff muscle.

No movement is no life basicly.

Adhesions can be caused by trauma, bad posture, inflamation, surgical procedures etc.

Also when the intestines are not working/moving correctly or are inflamed this can cause hormonal imbalances which also can alter the chances of a pregnancy.